
I am happy to report that approximately 100 people visited my studio in Gettys over the three-day Christmasville weekend. Elsa Turner’s work was on display as was mine. The final work in my frog-on-easel series has hopped away, and perhaps that bodes well for another such fun series. Elsa’s on-hand stock of copper necklaces sold out.

I enjoyed chatting with each and every visitor, and I was grateful to network with the artists who dropped by. Equally important to me was the opportunity to see visitor reaction to my work. People were incredibly kind, but it’s clear to me now that some approaches to oil painting – layers of transparent paint versus one application of opaque paint – are producing the luminosity in landscape vegetation that I’m trying to achieve.

We look forward to seeing the public again at First Fridays, Gallery Crawls and by appointment.

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